Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On to the next one :-)

Finally taking more steps to start my photography up! Already have had a handful of appointments and have some more on the way! I have 3 weddings, may, june and august and I'm hoping to get more Senior Pictures soon! I now have business cards, and brochures and the referrals are slowly starting to roll in! Setting goals for myself before my June wedding to get at least 11 appointments which will pay for everything I need for that large wedding! :-) So excited!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Photography = Passion

These are some of my favorite photographs I took today! My youngest subject, Kamdyn James Christopher Earl, was born yesterday evening and this little guy was adorable!!!
I wrote a super long blog on my phone yesterday and it got deleted and I'm not very happy about it, but basically it said I'm done working to just pay my bills and I'm taking my passion and making it happen. Ive never been happier and photography will never fire me or leave me and I'm super excited to see what's going to happen in the next couple years once I get my feet on the ground and my name out there. Hopefully one day my passion will be my only work. I want to be one of those people who wakes up and does what they love doing every day and makes it work! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Avatar blues??? Are you serious?!

Ok, so get this. I just read on yahoo how people are reporting that they are suicidal after watching the movie Avatar because they want so badly to be on the unreal planet with the unreal characters. Really??? That's like saying you're suicidal after watching Willy Wonka because you'll never be able to visit the chocolate factory. Really people? Some people are calling it "Avatar Depression Syndrome." Once again I say ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! If you can't distinguish movies from real life and just enjoy the imagination and creativity of writers and directors then maybe you shouldn't be going to the movies or maybe you should be seeing a psychiatrist. There are more important issues out there right now and I'm pretty sure the families of people who have lost loved ones in Haiti right now would be appalled that that even showed up as one of yahoo's headlines.
It's absolutely ridiculous.....check it out http://www.theweek.com/article/index/105003/Avatar_depression_syndrome

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fill your friends love buckets...

My friend Jordan's little boy, Carson, the other day came home from preschool and said "Mommy I filled Kenzell's bucket today!" She responded "Really?! How?!" and he told her "I told him I liked his new haircut!"

Why is it so hard for adults to fill each others buckets everyday?? Come on people! We're constantly getting shown up by 3 year olds and yet we never learn! All it takes is one compliment to make someone's day and the more you do it the easier it gets! Buckets will be overflowing and people will be in better moods if we start sharing the love. 

Challenge (which shouldn't even have to be said): Pay someone a compliment today. Not someone you're bffs with or someone who expects it, and mean it! People can smell fakeness. Continue doing this everyday and I bet you'll see a change in the air around you. :-) Have a great day!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I wanna tell Princess bye!

Everytime Jeremy has called me today, Landon, who is 2,  always sneaks up in the background and says "I wanna talk Natwee!" So Jeremy puts him on the phone and he tells me hello and tries to show me pictures on the other cell phone, not understanding I can't see him, I can only hear him. I love when he tries to show me things he's excited about. :-) The last conversation I had with Jeremy repeated Landon's wishes of wanting to talk to me. He mumbled a little bit, tried to show me pictures through the phone again and then told me bye, only this time I could hear him with urgency in the background saying "I wanna tell Princess bye!" So he gets on the phone and tells my miniature poodle, who isn't even with me at the moment, good-bye. 

I love that kid ;-) Ah the little things in life that make your day...

Brandi's Maternity Pictures

I did some maternity pictures today for my friend Brandi. I wasn't really prepared, but these are some of my favorites!!! Her belly in this picture is amazing!
My favorite pictures are the unposed ones that just happen. :-)
Carter Bugg wasn't really cooperating, but you could tell he's excited. Kept saying baybay! So cute!
Loving how Carter's little fingers found their way into this picture....perfection <3 Thanks Brandi!!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Who am I really?

Ever censor your thoughts or actions because it's not what people you know would expect from you? Not that it would be anything bad, but because people have learned to know you a certain way and have held on to that for the entire time you've known them, always being that one person they met instead of letting you change? Not letting someone change is the same as trying to change someone if you ask me. Everyone grows and continues to grow their entire lives. Why do we continue to let people stunt our mental growth by continue playing the roll they expect us to play? What if the neighborhood bully has an awakening and decides he doesn't want to bully people anymore, that he wants to make friends instead? People won't give him the time of day, they just automatically think its a ploy to get something or a joke. What if the class clown decides that's not who they are anymore and wants to be taken seriously? People will think they are joking and eventually they'll go back to being a clown even though it's not what they want. People change. It's not always a bad change, but it's different and a part of who they want to become, so why do people hold on to what they knew instead of embracing the fact that theyre watching a flower bloom right in front of them; watching light bulbs go off; witnessing someone improving themselves and becoming a better person. Are we really that shallow that we refuse to support this change and degrade people into playing the roll of the grouch or the role of someone who always fixes everything? What if the go to guy is weary and needs support and is tired of fixing everyone else's problems?? Who does the go to guy go to? I think one of the hardest parts about transformation and showing the people you live and work with everyday the change, fearful of what they might think that you will be judged. I came to a realization today that may be why I didnt clean off that car I wanted to yesterday. Someone I knew was very close cleaning off theirs and I was afraid I may be judged? But why? Why is that such a big concern. I usually don't care what people think and I do my own thing, but as I see myself changing, I realize how hard it is to break out of the shell people have known me as. One of my lifelong goals, the first of them, is to be who I want to be and quit fearing the judgement of others. No one's opinion matters more than my own and if I'm not living up to my standards because I am afraid of someone else's I will never be happy.